The Emergency service / SMUR:
The emergency service provides round-the-clock care and you can be received at one of its 4 windows.
There is a Reception and Orientation Nurse (R.O.N.) who assesses the seriousness of your condition and determines the order in which you are taken care of.
Priority is given to Vitale emergency.

You will be taken care of for:
- Emergency consultations
- Additional examinations
- Hospitalizations
The SMUR intervenes in "primary care" on the public road, at home, etc… and in "secondary care" for sanitary evacuations. Its vehicle is properly equipped for emergency intervention.
- Unit for Short Stay Hospitalization (U.S.S.H.) : 2 beds
- Unit for Continuous Care: 2 beds
Both units provide the close supervision of patients whose condition requires such care.
- Reception Center for Minor Emergency ( R.C.M.E.)
The medical and nursing team is composed:

- Of a Physician Chief of Department
- Of 8 Emergency physicians
- Of a Health Care Executive
- Of Nurses
- Of Nursing Aides
- Of Hospital Service Agents
The radiology service

Composed of
- 2 Radiology rooms: an emergency room and a room for digestive pathologies
- 1 echography room
The team is composed:
- Of a Radiologist
- Of a Health Care Executive
- Of radiology technicians
The Department of Surgery
Is composed of:
- 3 operating rooms:
- of polyvalent surgery (orthopedic, visceral, ophthalmological, oto-rhino-laryngological specialties, dental and urological surgery, etc…)
- of endoscopies
- of investigation examinations (coloscopy, etc…)
- 1 operating room where digestive endoscopies are performed
- 1 recovery room ( awakening room)

The team is composed:
- Of specialized surgeons: ORL/Ophtalmology/Odontology/Stomatology/Urology/Pediatrics/Cardiology
- Of Obstetrician Gynecologists
- Of Anesthetist and Reanimating Physicians
- Of a Health Care Executive
- Of specialized nurses
- I.A.D.E
- I.B.O.D.E
- Of Nursing Aides
- Of a Hospital Service Agent
The Obstetrical Room
Composed of:
- 2 delivery rooms
- 2 pre-labor rooms
- 1 admission room

Deliveries and end of pregnancy supervisions are performed there
The team is composed:
- Obstetricians Gynecologists
- Reanimating Anesthetist physicians
- Pediatric physicians
- Of an Executive midwife
- Of Midwives
- Of Assistant Nursery Nurses
- Of Nursing Aides
- Of Hospital Service Agents
The sterilization service
The sterilization of all care and medico-technical services of the establishment are performed there.
The team is composed:
- Of a Pharmacist
- Of a Health Care Executive
- Of Nursing Aides
- Of Hospital Service Agents.
The Pharmacy

It provides the establishment with medicines, sterile and non sterile consumables necessary for treatments.
The team is composed:
- Of Pharmacists
- Of Assistants to Dispensing Chemists
- Of an Administrative Agent.