Besides the hospitalization service, you can consult the different practitioners and specialists of the hospital and carry out certain exams.
In a welcoming environment, the hospital's outpatient staff will provide you with all their care and expertise for a comprehensive care.
Useful Information
- Opening hours: 8am to 5pm
- Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Phone : 05 90 52 26 07 | 05 90 52 26 08
- Appointment by phone betweem 2pm and 5pm or on Doctolib (www.doctolib.fr)
Outpatient specialities
- Addictology
- Cardio-pediatrics
- Orthopaedic and trauma surgery
- Visceral surgery
- Child visceral surgery
- Dermatology
- Diabetology
- Child Diabetology
- Diet
- Endocrinology
- Gynecology
- Infectiology
- Neurosurgery
- Neuropediatrics
- Oncology
- Pediatrics
- Rhythmology
- Urology
Before you arrive

Go to the admissions area located at the entrance of the hospital to complete your paperwork before any appointment.
When you arrive, please present your:
- Valid identification: Identity card, passport, livret de famille, residence card...
- Carte vitale or certificate on paper
- Valid health insurance card or cover if you have one
- CMU certificate (Couverture Maladie Universelle)
- Your convocation
Important: At the end of your consultation, do not forget to go back to the admissions office to pay for your consultation.