At the Main Entrance you will find:

- The Direction of the Establishment
- The Admitting Office where you must carry out all administrative formalities.
Opening hours: from 8am to 5pm from Monday to Friday. - The Office of Nursing and Medico-Technical Services
- The Social Service
- The Out-patient Service Consultations are made by appointment only.
The secretary’s office is open from Monday to Thursday from 8am to 5 pm and on Fridays from 8am to 3pm.
Specialized consultations of the establishment are performed there.

- Anesthesia: 9:00 am/11:30 am from Monday to Friday
- Visceral and Repairing Surgery: 8:30 am/11:30 am Monday and Wednesday
- Orthopedic Surgery: 8.30 am/11.30 am Tuesday and Thursday
- Gynecology and obstetrics: 8:30 am/3:30 pm from Monday to Thursday and 8:30 am/12 pm on Fridays
- Infectiology: 2:30 pm/6:00 pm on Thursdays - 9:00 am/1:00pm on Fridays
- Polyvalent medicine: 9:00 am/11:30 am on Tuesdays
- Pediatrics: 1:30 pm/3:30 pm from Monday to Thursday
- Therapeutic observance: from Monday to Friday from 8:20 am/4:00 pm and on Fridays from 8:30 am/3:00 pm
- Midwife: 8:30am/11:30am-1:30pm/3:00pm every other Monday, on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Tuesday afternoon, and Friday morning
- Birth preparation: 3 sessions/week
The Out-patient Service

Consultations are carried out by outside Specialists:
- Visceral and orthopedic child’s Surgery: once a month
- Dermatology: 1 Wednesday / month
- Endocrinology: 3 consultations / month
- Adult Neurology: 1 Friday / month
- Oncology: 1 Monday / month
- Oto-rhino-laryngology: on 3rd Tuesday of the month
- Urology: 1 Friday / month
- Nephrology: once / month
- Infant Neurology: every 2 months
A nurse provides out-patient care, after an operation or after being discharged from the hospital.
Public health missions
- Unit of Early Detection and Care of Transmissible Diseases (U.E.D.C.T.D.)
The role of the U.E.D.C.T.D., incorporated in the Medicine service, is to provide persons living with the VIH with therapeutic and epidemiological follow up as well as users and staff of the establishment with prevention, information and early detection concerning this pathology.
- The Information, Early Detection and Diagnostic Center of Sexually Transmissible Infections (I.E.D.D.C.S.T.I.)
- Consultations of Therapeutic Education and Patient Support (consultations T.E.P.S.)
- Consultations of Infectiology
- Anti-Tuberculosis Committee (A.T.C.)
- Vaccinations
- Consultations of the French Immigration and Integration Bureau (F.I.I.B.)
At the Garden Level, you will find:

- The Economic Service
- The Financial Service
- The Office of Human Resources
- The Information Technology Service and the Medical Information Department
- The Pharmacy: opening hours from 8 am to 4 pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
- The Laundry
- The Kitchen and staff room
- The Technical Services
- The Board Conference Room